Less than a week to go until I get my new place. I am so excited to finally have a place to call my own. Pete and I have been talking about the possibility of him moving in with me when I do get it, but I don't know if that is going to happen or not. While we both want to do it, he had arranged to move in with someone else in June since his current room mate is getting married and he needs to be out of there soon. So he is having issues with whether he can tell the guy he won't move in there. I can understand that, since they had arranged it, but no paperwork or lease has been signed yet, so it's not like he is bound to anything. He's is just such a stand-up guy, he doesn't want to screw the guy, and I can totally understand that. But it's like he said, he will more than likely be spending more time at my place than the place he is actually paying rent for. I would hate for him to have to be paying money at a place he is basically just using to store his stuff at, ya know? So I guess we will just see what happens. It would be so much better financially for both of us if we just did it. Plus he would be stuck in a 1 year lease, so that makes no sense to me, to do that if he wants to live with me anyway...ya know? I guess we will just see what happens. I told him to think about it, so we shall see what he decides on.
I decided to move up the day that I am going back to Montrose to get my stuff out of storage. In the long-run, I am actually saving money by doing it this way. I ended up getting my moving truck for $20 less and I won't end up having to pay anything this month for my storage space. They are just going to pro-rate the number of days I have it for the month of May, and just take it out of my deposit. Things are definitely working out in my favor as far as that goes. Plus, I won't have to spend as much time in my new place with no dishes, furniture, etc. All-in-all it's a win-win situation.
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