One more week! I am not even CLOSE to being ready! Luckily I have all day tomorrow and all day Sunday off or I would be SCREWED!! I'm feeling both nervous and excited for this move. Nervous, because I still do not have a job. Excited, because I will be living somewhere where there are actually things to do!
On the job front, things are looking up in a way. I got a call from the manager of the store I want to go work at and he really wants to hire me. I am supposed to go out there next Friday for an interview. The catch is, that it is a commission based job, but on the plus side he said the base wage was MORE than minimum, so I can probably make it work. I was hoping to get into the jewelry department (which is where I am working now at the store here), but he didn't think he had anything full-time, so he was thinking about putting me in shoes (!!!DANGER!!!) or window coverings. I think window coverings would be pretty neat because I would be helping people decorate, and that just sounds like so much fun. So, anyway, I am hoping that all pans out.
I'll keep everyone posted on my progress :-)
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