Thursday, April 10, 2008

I've Landed

I made it in one piece to Denver!! It was an interesting journey. Pete and I drove out to NY to drop off my kids. The dog went to my brother and the cats went to my dad. I miss them like crazy and I can not wait until August when I get them back. Surprisingly enough, after spending 4 days total in the car with each other, Pete and I still like each other. I think now we are more in love than ever. In my past relationships, I don't think I would have been able to get past day 1 without going crazy. We were actually still laughing and joking with each other in the home stretch. Pete got to meet my family and my two best friends. He got the seal of approval from everyone (even my grandma) so that was pretty great also.

I got back into town last week and had a job interview set up for the next day. After 2 1/2 hours, I walked out with a job. It's pretty nice because I am still working for the same company I worked for in Montrose, just a different agent, so I already know how to do my job. It's a totally different world in this office as opposed to where I was before. They are so much more laid back here, and the stress level is pretty low. I was thinking before that I didn't want to do insurance anymore, but now I am pretty sure it was just my old office environment that made me feel that way.

I also found a place to live on my second day in town. It's a really cute 1 bedroom apartment and it's within walking distance to my work. It also comes with a 24 hour fitness center, outdoor pool, free wi-fi in certain areas. All in all I know that I made the right decision in coming here. I am happier now than I have been in years, so it's a great feeling.

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