Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Yes...It's True....

I am happy to announce that after 6 months of trying, the Hubster and I finally did it! We are now almost 9 weeks along with our little demon child (I swear it looks like a demon in the ultrasound pic!! Or a T-Rex....) It was definitely a shock to us to have it happen when it did, because I thought for sure we were out the month we conceived. I was 2000 miles away at my brother's wedding (congrats guys!!) during most of my fertile period and we really only got 1 good BD in. But it's what they say, it only takes one....LOL! I'm convinced it was the rollercoaster that did it though. Fast forward to the end of the TWW. It's October 30th, I take a test, BFN as expected, so we decide to go have some fun, ride some rides, rollercoasters, visit a few haunted houses, etc. Had a blast I must say (even though the Hubster was a chicken shit and would only go on 1 rollercoaster with me...BOOO!!!) The next (Halloween for all that are keeping up), I decide to punish myself again by taking yet another test. But, wait! What's this? Could it be? A LINE?!?!?!?! Holy $@!#!!! I ran downstairs to the Hubster to ask his opinion. He wasn't sure, but he thought he saw it too. At this point I'm freaking out cause the line is so light and I used one of those damned Dollar Tree (love you!) tests. So I wasn't sure if it was a false positive or not. I decide I'm going to take a picture and post it online for my "Preggo Friends" to decipher. I put the test down on the floor of the landing on the stairs cause that's where the best light is. Zorro the wonder kitty decides he wants to help. As I am focusing up the camera he shows up out of nowhere, pounces on the test and sends it flying across the room. Score one for the kitty!! I finally got the picture taken and all the online girls confirmed that they see the line too. Whew! I'm not crazy! (Well, that's up for debate, but moving on...) I decided to go ahead and exhaust my supply of Dollar Tree tests, just cause I really liked seeing that line. Unfortunately all of those tests, while still coming up postive, just looked a bit weird. So I decided I was going to bite the bullet and buy one of those fancy schmancy digital tests. I brought that bad boy home, peed on it, waited, and.....YES!!! It said Pregnant. Now it seemed real. I went and had my first appointment at 6 weeks to do all the blood draws, STD tests, and actually confirm the pregancy and then at 8 weeks we had our first ultrasound. Our little Demon is measuring right on track with a very strong heartbeat and we couldn't be any happier about it.

As far as the pregnancy is going for me. Well, I just wish the nausea would go away. So far (knock on wood) I have only thrown up once (knock on wood again for good measure). I have definitely come close several times in the past few days though. And I swear the bathroom at work is out to get me! It constantly smells like someone took a huge shit in it!! I finally came to my senses though and started bringing febreeze into the room with me whenever I have to go (which is like every 2 minutes! Seriously?) Eating has become a challenge also. Nothing ever sounds good, but if I don't eat something, then I get really nauseous. It's a lose lose situation. According to the Dr though, I only will have to deal with this for about 1 1/2 more weeks. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that she knows what she's talking about.


  1. Congratulations!!! I just saw your blog through FB. Hope your morning sickness ends soon - that was the worst part of being pregnant for me, and I wouldn't wish it on anyone :(

    But, let me know when you're feeling better so we can get together. We'd love to have you guys over again some evening.

    And, Todd's birthday is July 17th, so maybe your little bean will hold out a couple of days and he/she will have an awesome birthday too!

