Thursday, September 18, 2008

More Kitty Drama

So after all the drama with Purrsia last week, we had more drama, this time with Zorro. Last summer Zorro had a condition where he was producing "sand" of some sort in his bladder and he got blocked and couldn't pee. So he spent 3 days in the kitty hospital and was sent home good as new. Until last Friday. I got home from work and I am in the kitchen starting dinner and I see him squatting on the kitchen floor looking like he's a bout to pee. So I nudged him with my foot and I hear this god-awful howl. I grabbed him and brought him into the bathroom to put him in his litter box where he stood for a good 5 minutes straining to pee, to no avail. So I call a vet that was close and they say to bring him in. They can't get him unblocked while we were there, so he gets admitted for presumably 2 nights. Fast forward to Saturday night. I get the update from the vet that he has pulled out his urinary catheter and that they were going to see how he does. A few hours later I get another call. He is backed up again, so they need to reinsert the catheter and he will be able to go home on Monday. Yeah....right. So he does fine with the 2nd catheter...I think he learned his lesson the first time. They decide not to take it out until Sunday, so now his stay was extended until Tuesday!! It seemed a bit excessive to me, but whatever. I think they may have needed to pay the gas bill or something, so they were milking it. On Monday, I get a call from the vet that he needs a prescription, but that they don't carry it, so could I go pick it up? I think this is weird, but say ok. I mean, why would you prescribe something that is a common drug for cats and then not have it in stock, but whatever. After over an hour hassle at Wal-Mart getting the damn thing, I then have to BRING IT BACK to the vet. I love wasting my time. So finally Tuesday comes and he gets to come home to the tune of $1400. Goodbye wedding dress, I need to pay for my cats pee pee. And now he is on a prescription diet which is going to cost at least $40 a month because I have to put both cats on it. GAH! It never ends does it?

In other news, after much deliberation, we have decided to not have the wedding in the Thousand Islands. After speaking with reputable sources, we found out that the reception sites there are horrible and one that we were highly considering is actually being sued right now because the wedding was so bad. I decided that I didn't want to have a beautiful ceremony only to have it ruined by a horrible reception. We are now looking at the Greystone castle, which is near where I grew up. if anyone wants to check it out. I will find out in October if it is something we can afford. Keeping my fingers crossed because it is absolutely perfect!!


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