Tuesday, December 15, 2009

So Much To Say.....

Wow....I can't believe that it has been about 10 months since I posted on here. So much has happened, but I will give you the brief brief low down....

Let's see. I did get to go home for my birthday in May and got to celebrate my 30th birthday with my friends and family. We also got a TON of stuff done for the wedding.

In June I got laid off. Which sucked....BIG TIME! I ended up going on a temp job for another agent and he hired me after 4 hours of working there. I kinda wish I would have waited and not taken the first opportunity. In July we moved because I was NOT digging the hour+ commuted every day.

Other than the job thing, had a pretty uneventful summer.

Fall.....uneventful as well. Really nothing comes to mind as interesting, so I won't bore you to death with those details.

End of November, my grandmother passed away unexpectedly. She called my dad to tell him she didn't feel well, and by the time he got to her house, she was gone. So we had to take an unexpected trip to NY for the funeral. I got back to work and 4 days later my boss fired me. The reason he gave was pretty lame. He claimed that I wasn't doing something that he told me to do, which is absolute crap because I did it every damn day, but whatevs. In hindsight, I am much better off not working for him. He reminded me a lot of the owner of the resort I used to work at. And for those who knew me then, know what I'm talking about. He said he would help me find a job with another agent, but that if I dared to file unemployment he would never give me a good reference to any prospective employers who contact him. Which kinda leaves me between a rock and a hard place. I can't go for long without employment, but if I file for unemployment he told me he would fight me on it. Is it worth the hassle, just to find out the denied me because of his "proof" (which he wouldn't show or tell me about). I don't know. I have enough money right now to last us about a month (good-bye wedding fund).

He did hold up to his word and recommended me to another agent. Great, right? Wrong. I called her to set up an interview. She said to come in today. This morning I get a call from her saying that she hired someone last night. Not sure what I think of that. I mean, who sets up an interview and then hires someone without meeting all of the prospectives? Seems pretty shady to me. I don't know.

So now, you are caught up with what has been going on in my oh so fabulous life. I'm not really sure where life is going to lead me next. Hopefully to a job with benefits. Oh benefits.....I haven't seen you in so long!!

Until next time....take care!

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