Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend

We had a bit of a ring snafu last week. Pete got a call from the jewler saying that the diamond we picked was mislabled and that it was actually quite a bit more expensive. He didn't really get/understand all of the details, so we decided to go down to the jeweler. My inital reaction to it all was that "it's not MY fault they mislabled the diamond". So we go down there and they sit us down in this private area. The sales woman explained to us that every week their in-house jewelers weigh and grade all of their diamonds. The diamond that she showed us and another diamond were very similar and somehow during the grading process were switched and put into the wrong envelopes. They brought out both of the diamonds so that we could compare the two and decide if we wanted to pay more for the one I picked (they said they would meet us half-way on the price) or if I wanted the one I "picked". Looking at both of the diamonds you could immediately tell that they were very similar. The one I "picked" is and I1 clarity, I color, and .99 carats. The one I picked is a VS2, H, .98 carat. Each diamond was only one grade off on each point. I could only see a difference when I looked at them through the loupe. The one I "picked" had an inclusion right near the middle. I could only see it when looking through the loupe though. I also got to put both diamonds in the setting so I could see which one looked the best. Surprisingly I went with the diamond I "picked" rather than the one I picked. Even though it had that inclusion, I thought it had just as much fire and it looked so much bigger in the setting than the other one. And as a bonus, the jewler gave us $100 for putting us through all that trouble!! We decided to go out to dinner at this really nice restaurant by our house (it's all organic and oh so yummy!!) and went out to see the new Bond movie. Very Good.

I have just jumped onto the Twilight bandwagon. I went out this weekend and bought the first book in the series. I opened it up on Sunday night and didn't close it until almost 3:30 Monday morning. It was almost like a fix....I HAD to finish it!! I went out and got the 2nd book (New Moon) yesterday. I was able to contain myself a bit better and was able to put it down fairly early so I could get some sleep. We are going to see the movie at some point this week and I am so excited!!

I've also joined a Fitness Challenge with some of the girls on one of my online message boards. I'm hoping that will help me to get motivated to start losing some weight. There's a $15 Lush gift card at stake!!! Wish me luck!


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