Monday, October 20, 2008


I called the place where we want to have the ceremony and reception at to set up an appointment for my Dad, Mom, and MOH to go have a look-see and make sure it is absolutely what we want and found out that the date we had picked out is already booked!! Turns out there was a girl who wanted the 4th of July weekend in 2009, but they were booked, so she postponed her wedding a year and a 1/2 so she could have that weekend in 2010! We are both kinda bummed because we were looking forward to that date, but in the end it's all good because we have bumped the date up a little closer. Our new date will be May 1st 2010. So, as long as everyone likes the place that is where and when we will be having it. It's actually really nice to see my ticker say less than 600 days all of a sudden :-). So, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that all works out and that our caterer that we picked is available on that date too! My dad says the day he makes the final decision he is booking the caterer. I am getting so excited!! I can't wait for our trip back to NY in May so we can get all of the other little details finalized!!


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